zondag 12 juli 2020

(Average) BONJOUR ♪ Sweet Love Pâtisserie

Series in one sentence:
A harem show starring characters who aren't in love with each other at all.

Series in more sentences:

A talented, shy student enrolls in a pastry school, where she soon finds herself surrounded by the attractive and highly pursued teachers. They become great friends and hang out often, while the strict headmaster keeps an eye on their interactions.

A basic bitch in anime form. Not funny, there're no risks, no originality, typical drama, the cooking theme is an afterthought, there's hardly any romance to take seriously, and the one romance that is slightly appealing is a half-baked dead end.

Though the series rushes its relationships as if the director had a bus to catch that day, the redhead had potential. He was so determined on asking the main character to be his girlfriend, you're surprised to find him shoved aside in the end. Worse yet, he gives his love interest a lacklustre goodbye after graduation.
The anime didn't even care to explain why this particular boy was so drawn to her to begin with, which matters, since he remarked she looked like someone he knew. But this matter is shamelessly made undone a few episodes later with an "oh, I don't remember saying that". Alright, well, thanks.

..And then for that shitty contest plot at the end. Out of nowhere, the characters use super powers and "cook" a giant floating Earth globe. A literal Earth globe. What is this globe, exactly? A cake? A jawbreaker? Chocolate? Ice cream? Not explained. The characters are deemed the winners and then the story ends. What the fork did I watch.

Skip it, kids.

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