zaterdag 4 januari 2025

(Bad) Parasite

Movie in one sentence:
Comedy-thriller movie with no comedy and no thrills.

in more sentences:
A family living in poverty manages to slowly infiltrate a gullible, rich family by getting rid of their staff and offering themselves as "ideal" replacements. All seems to be going well for them, until one day, the old cleaning lady shows up at the door.

This is a comedy and a thriller, how? Did not laugh or wince in fear once, because I perceived not a single joke or fearsome scene in this.

The concept of a clueless rich family being cleverly tricked is interesting, but it's evidentially not enough to fill a movie. Eventually, there's this twist reveal where the previous cleaning lady's husband is found living in the rich folk's basement since forever -she too abused her employers' cluelessness- but I
feel cursed having learned of that man's existence. What a pathetic loser. Were his scenes supposed to be comedic?
The introduction of this guy worsened the whole movie experience for me.

I also disliked how the father lost his mind at the party over literally nothing, yet the movie presents his eventual reunion with his son as something to cheer about. I'd be pissed if I were the son; he, his mother, and his father could've continued to work for the family had he not killed their employer.
The father put no effort in assisting his own daughter as she was dying, either, I'd never want to see that fool again.

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